Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Why be a Barber?

 Many people have ask me that question and the answers still the same. I started for fun.
I remember rushing home from school to get my bag and go around the  neighborhood asking parents to let me give they kids a hair cut.
 After awhile the parents and elder people started trusting me with they hair.

It was very fun, every day was something new to learn. I used to go to my good friend Robert he was the local barber. I used to sit down and watch him for hours. It was a big help for me he had so much  experience and was ease to talk to. and get advice from him was a great part of my learning process

Becoming a barber has some ups and downs.

you are your own boss, make cash every day you ware nice clothes and free cuts...

long hours, stand up all the time and some costumers dont tip...

You can work par time or full time...

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